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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Data storage Byte-sized Infographic guide.

Information is everywhere – whether it’s digital information in our devices, analogue content in books, or biological data encoded in our cells. But how do they compare in terms of storage amount? How have our means of storing information grown over the decades? And do you know what a zettabyte or a yottabyte is?

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Wimshurst machine.

Wimshurst machine with two Leyden jars.

The Wimshurst influence machine is an electrostatic device for generating high voltages developed between 1880 and 1883 by British inventor James Wimshurst (1832 – 1903).

Monday, June 10, 2013

New blood pressure sensor device gives better measurement.

Device monitors fluctuations in blood pressure

A new device could improve how blood pressure is measured, according to NHS researchers.

A team at University College London showed a sensor worn on the wrist could measure the pressure of blood leaving the heart throughout the day.

Friday, June 07, 2013

Tech Tools to Stop Phone Tapping.

Photo: TORFone

Threats of Big Brother watching U.S. citizens seem to have gained credence for several reasons this week. It began when British newspaper The Guardian broke a story revealing that the U.S. government has been secretly, although lawfully,